Tuesday, July 22, 2014

School Garden Weekly Update

It's still chugging away...

The garden definitely wasn't loving the heat we had the past couple of weeks, but it's still hanging in there, and the weeds haven't come back either.
Tomato and tomatillos had some blossom drop which could be attributed to the heat, or lack of pollination. I haven't seen many bees when we've visited. 
The cukes seem pretty happy, or at least pleasantly green. It's time to watch for their tendrils and get those running up the side so they don't latch onto the tomatillos. 
Onions and nasturtiums are growing well. I am really wanting those nasturtiums to go nuts and call in the bees. :) 
The rest of the seeds are still showing, but not showing a lot of development. We'll see. 
I'm chomping at the bit to get those fall/winter crop seeds in, but need to wait a few more weeks.
Still hoping someone will come in once school starts with a plan for Garden Club or for one of the classrooms. 
Until then, I'm happy to keep it "presentable". 
Have a great afternoon!

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